I love my celebrities and I love my community, and when a
celebrity is from my community and we can sit in a local coffee shop and have a
stunning conversation on a Saturday morning, I know that something’s right with
the world.
I’ve been wanting to chat with Ashley Dowds for a long time and when I heard that he
is in Constellations at the Studio Theatre at Monte Casino, it was time to quit
faffing and do it!
Ashley’s had a long, varied and exciting career in the
entertainment business in South Africa and I’m proud that he lives in
And there is NOTHING that beats Queen Street in Kensington on a warm Spring Saturday morning chatting to a star I’ve respected for a long time! It's one of the moments that I will cherish.
I found out via Monte Casino that you’re in a play called Constellations
with Janna Ramos Violante. You’re playing a bee keeper and she’s a quantum
They’re both kind of literary concepts more than the idea of
him working as a beekeeper in the show.
The whole thing plays on this notion of time.
The play takes place in parallel universes – is this a play out of a
‘what might have been if I’d made that kind of choice?’ idea?
The parallel universe is that at any given time there is a possibility
of another outcome and even within each mini scene - some of them happen within
seconds – there’s a possibility of another choice that’s made. She models
herself on this idea of quantum physics that time is irrelevant. Time doesn’t
exist in the quantum realm. It’s a non concept. The metaphor of bees is that
they exist in harmony, there’s a system in place that helps to make things
simple and meaningful.
It happens quite quickly and it can be a little bit
confusing because suddenly you’re thrust
into it. And everything’s happening at
once. What the audience is given is an offer of four or five scenes. It’s all happening in the
same place but they’re all slightly different. They’re the same people but they exist in a
different realm.
Ashley Dowds and Janna Ramos Violante in Constellations |
How do you research a role like this?
When it comes down to the rehearsal process and the
chemistry that you’re developing with the other actor, that’s most important.
You can do a lot of research and it’s always debatable how much that’s going to
inform what you’re doing. Nick Payne wrote a very interesting script and he’d
encountered this notion of multiverse and he was looking at quantum physics in
various other books. I bought one or two of them to look at this concept of
time. You do track a central story line
so it’s not like it’s so fragmented that you can’t pick it up.
Ja, it is a nice little theatre. It only seats about 160. It was built largely for experimental work where there is a bit of risk
involved. A play like this is fairly
niche. If you expect to come in with a beer and be entertained you’re not going
to be. If you’re not prepared as an audience to come and listen and focus it’s
not for you. This is new story telling
in the sense that the way that the language unfolds is very different to what
you might expect.
I like a play that tells a story and there aren’t a lot of them around
so this is nice.
If a producer puts something on he has to try and lessen the
risk and the more he can appeal to a broader audience, the more sure he is of
getting some profit.

I started with a play called The Other Side of the Swamp
which was basically Malcolm Terrey and myself. It was originally produced by
Pieter Toerien in the late 70s, 80s with Eckard Rabe in my role, then Alan
directed us about 15 years ago. Then I
did another play called Hard Love with Alan and it was phenomenal because Alan
is Jewish. The play was written by Motti Lerner who is the bad boy of Israeli
Theatre. It was about orthodoxy. The notion of
religion and faith and fidelity and love. I was cast with an Israeli
actress. It's about the choices that people make. The
character I played here was a writer but he’d been brought up in this ultra
orthodox community and had married this girl very young and then decided to
leave the community. He’s excommunicated.
Have you done one man shows and then shows with big casts?
They’re very different dynamics. To hold a one man show
together and to keep the energy is very tiring. It also depends on the kind of
story that you’re telling as a one man performer. In a bigger cast like Mouse
Trap or Hail Natives which I did at The Market Theatre this year, very
different. That was directed by Bobby
Heaney – it was originally a Bill Flynn and Paul Slabolepsky play and this was
the 20th anniversary of it.
I haven’t been to The Market Theatre for a while. I’ve been a bit
nervous. How is it now?
I know you more for being on TV – Scandal, Generations, Isidingo and as a

It must be interesting working on that kind of production. Was it daily
or weekly show?
What normally happens with soapies is you have three
storylines. You have an A, B, and C storyline and you go through a few weeks
when you’re in the A storyline and you’re featured every day and then you take
a break. It’s like a war when you’re out in the trenches for a while and then
you’re back off.
I’d love to sit on the set of one of those shows one day and see how
they do it. Do you have a favourite or most challenging role that you’ve
Quite recently there was a fascinating role that I would have
loved to have had developed bit more. A
real life character, Arthur Goldreich in the new movie Mandela’s Gun. It’s a cameo role. Arthur Goldreich was the front
man of Lilliesleaf where Mandela was hiding out. Supposedly when he came back
from military training he hid the pistol he was given by Haile Selassie and the
movie takes you behind the scenes and leads you through the sting where the
police came. And it’s so important, not
just the role but learning about our own history. That led me to read a book earlier this year
called Rivonia’s Children. If you ever want to know more about the history of
the communist party and Umkhontwe Wesizwe, it's an absolutely phenomenal book.
Book by Ashley Dowds inspired by Going Nowhere Slowly |
I was involved on and off for two seasons. It’s hard to keep something like that going with
budgets the way they are, and to keep someone on the road for more than a few
weeks is a big ask. The producer used to say the best part was
getting the viewing public to get out of their dialing zones. And what he meant
was instead of hitting the highway down to Cape Town or Durban, to go off the
road and find little towns and villages and explore things you’ve never
explored before. We did a lot of the
Karoo, and Sutherland, looking at the telescopes. In one spot we broke down and the
car had to be repaired, which made the producer very grumpy but we had to stay
put which was very different from the experience we’d been having because we
filmed quickly and moved on. That was Prince Albert and I met some people there
who had moved up from Cape Town to settle in a small town and opened up a B and
B. The husband had a major stroke and was incapacitated and couldn’t talk. I
learnt about how you handle that situation from a spouse’s perspective. He was
working with horses to learn to get back on his feet. He’s lost his language, but the horses
understand his tone. And so they
understand him more than anyone
else. And just down from Prince Albert,
there was a very old character called Oute Lappies. He was 92 years old when I
met him there. He was part of the Karretjie Mense who according to the Wits
University DNA department arethe oldest DNA in the world. Groups of peple
in the Karoo region who ended up being itinerant sheep shearers and travelling
around in wagons. He would collect junk and make things and he was famous for
lanterns. He would collect flattened tin from the railways and at night he
would construct this long chain of wagons and light them all with candles, and
on this old dusty Karoo Road you’d see this long chain of wagons lit up with
You must have quite a busy schedule. What does a day in your life
I keep busy and also I have a family. Sod’s law is
applicable in many cases, because very often the busier you are the more work
you get and you have to turn away work. And then you find yourself with nothing
the next month.

I heard the other day people are so busy they don’t have time to read
so you can put an audio book in your car and you can listen to it and it’s
taking off.
It’s a growing industry.
We both come from the same part of town. How long have you been here?
Since 2010. The history and the community appeals to
me. My grandfather came out here from Ireland when he
was six and settled in Malvern. And I
received an invitation about an event for the Foster Gang centenary tomorrow.
You should definitely try to go along to that. It will be very
interesting. And you can chat to Isabella Pingle from Kensington
Heritage. It’s an interesting story. I don’t know if you’ve been exposed to
that story at all.
Well, my grandfather was there. He was a boy at the time. There
was a lot of information going around, there was a police cordon around this
area. People were shot, one was Delarey. He and his brothers went down to the
cave while the police were there. They lived in Malvern. So he wrote something
about it.
I’m sure Isabella would like that if she hasn’t got it already. She
really is the one to chat to, she is so connected.
I was at the Kensington Club for the opening of the Jozi Film Festival. And I was starting to
create a documentary about trees, because people suggest that the forest we
have in Joburg is one of the biggest we have in the Southern hemisphere. I don’t
know if it’s completely true. It’s a manmade forest. And specially in Kensington there were 66
miles of trees planted from a nursery in the south in Turffontein and I found
the brief story about that but it would be very nice to follow up those
See Ashley in Constellations – you can book here
and use his services at Cabin In the Words.
You can follow his latest activities on Twitter @AshleyDowds
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